Версия: 1.1
When playing please make it half-width mode. In case of full-width mode, space keys etc. may not be accepted.
Left: Move (You can shake ivy.)
Below: When you move squat (while squatting, and moves on all fours.
Shift: run (as long as you hold down, you will run state.
Space:. Jump (that it while running will extend the flight distance will be extended also distance when flew from ivy.
Z: grab things in the decision key (in the game, and used to pick up.
X: Cancel
Escape: In-game menu
You can also play with Game Pad.
Operation settings can be done from "KEY CONFIG" on the title screen.
In case you get addicted to the terrain in the game or it becomes impossible to advance due to the positional relationship etc of things
Please use "Return to Checkpoint" from the menu.
За ссылку на игру спасибо
Akitorax Nim